Quantum Valley Ideas Lab
Ideas Lab’s Jim Shaffer co-organizer for CATMIN Conference
"CATMIN (Cold ATom Molecule INteractions)'s objective is to strengthen the links between cold atom physics, molecular physics, chemistry and condensed matter physics, so that new concepts and breakthroughs can emerge."
Quantum Valley Ideas Lab
Ideas Lab named as Industry Partner for DARPA Quantum Apertures program
"The QA program’s goal is to develop portable and directional RF antennas and RF receivers with significantly greater sensitivity, bandwidth and dynamic range than any classical receiver available today."
Quantum Valley Ideas Lab
Ideas Lab named Industry Partner for SAVaNT program
"DARPA has announced its selection of eight industry and university research teams to support the Science of Atomic Vapors for New Technologies (SAVaNT) program, including Quantum Valley Ideas Lab."
Quantum Valley Ideas Lab
Four Waterloo projects receive $41 Million for Quantum, AI, Machine Learning
"Not-for-profit, Quantum Valley Ideas Lab, as well as Cognitive Systems, ISARA Corp., and High Q Technologies will all receive a share of the $41 million to help fund their respective technologies."